APKF Adobe Product Key Finder
APKF Adobe Product Key Finder is Adobe CS3,CS4 and CS5
key finder. The software automatically searches your
computer for the product keys and serial numbers that
your software programs store in the registry or in the
cache. APKF allows finding and recovering license keys
for Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe InDesign,
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Adobe
Fireworks and more. With Adobe Product Key Finder you
simply diagnose your system for all installed Adobe
products and make a backup, print it or save to the
file or database. This may save you a lot of money.
APKF Adobe Product Key Finder is a free to try
software. You can free download and try it for an
evaluation period. You can backup recovered product
keys and save as Tab Delimited Txt File (.txt), CSV
Comma Delimited (.csv), Excel Workbook (.xls), Access
Database (.mdb), Web Page (.html), SQLLite Database or
XML Data (.xml) file, print key list or copy all to