Email2Task is an easy to use time-saving add-in for
Microsoft Outlook opening new ways to take control of
your e-mail Inbox and organize your information in
Outlook. It allows you to speed up routine tasks.
Create Outlook task from email message or convert
email to appointment in Outlook in just 2 clicks. Turn
email to calendar events, convert email to task and
attach email. Move emails to predefined folder in one
click. Modify the task or appointment details quickly
in Email2Task simplified form. File Outlook email
messages with Email2Task. Select any folder for a new
task or appointment. Choose to delete the email after
the task or appointment is created. Quickly organize
your information in Microsoft Outlook with Email2Task
time saving software addin. Works with different
Microsoft Outlook versions (2010, 2007, 2003, 2002,
2000). Compatible with latest Windows 7 and Outlook
2010. Creating task or scheduling appointment from
email made easy.