Full Tilt Poker Viitekoodi
Get Full Tilt Poker Viitekoodi, use the exclusive
bonus code: "FTPP800", and start playing with the
world's most famous Pro's in this fantastic poker
room. Full Tilt Poker Viitekoodi offers you a 100%
deposit bonus of up to $600, released into your
account in $20 increments at rate of $0.06 per point
Full Tilt Poker Viitekoodi hosts a number of world-
class poker pro endorsers, such as Patrik Antonius,
Ilari Sahamies, Phil Ivey, John Juanda and
Chris "jesus" Ferguson who play there exclusively and
are accessible to all players. Traffic ranges from
2000+ at off peak times up to 16000+ at peak hours.
Playability is very fluid, as the software and the
graphics have a natural, smooth feel about them:
avatars can be turned on and off or be made to show
different facial expressions, such as smiling,
laughing, angry and sad - a very nice touch.