Tests are ideal for quick assessment of your students'
knowledge. Whenever you need to find out how your
students are making it though their course or just
want to spend 5 minutes to create a quick 10-question
professional aptitude test for newcomers to your
department, you will definitely need specialized
software that will help you generate tests quickly and
with a bare minimum of efforts. If you are looking to
replace the tool you are currently using or are just
exploring the possibility to automate the test
creation process, make sure you don't overlook
easyQuizzy offers an unparalleled combination of
price, functionality, efficiency and ease of use. This
test creation tool enables you to create tests of any
complexity and compile them into completely
independent executable files that can be emailed,
shared on the Internet or copied to all computers in a
classroom. Tests can consist of an unlimited number of
questions (yes-no questions, multiple choice, multiple