Repair BKF Files
How to repair my backup file or how to repair my
corrupt bkf file? This is the most common question for
those users which could not access his backup file due
to Viral or Trojans attack, unexpected System
Shutdown, CRC Errors, Backup interruption, Software
corruption etc. Repair BKF file provide effective &
quick solution to repair damaged MS Backup (.bkf)
files created using VERITAS Backup EXEC of Symantec.
MS Backup Utility is the powerful utility to create
any type backup file. Repair MS Backup utility quickly
save your corrupt BKF files and bkf file metadata.
Repair BKF file software able to recover highly
corrupted bkf file which contains the following error
*The backup file is unusable
*The backup file is unusable. You must erase it, or
choose another file
* The fixed media is full. You cannot back up all of
the specified data to this disk device. The backup
operation will stop
*Error the backup file contains unrecognized data and
cannot be used