JavaScript Photo Gallery Maker
JavaScript Photo Gallery Maker. Digital picture albums
made with JavaScript Photo Gallery are high-end web
applications that look and behave exactly like desktop
apps! Use Windows or MAC version of the program. It is
absolutely FREE! Creating a photo gallery is a pretty
simple process with our free Web Photo Gallery Maker.
Just drug & drop all photos you need to the program
window or you can use images from Flickr and
Photobucket. Specify the full description for each
image in your gallery, you can also use some html tags
inside the description. Select the look of your future
gallery (choose the thumbnails and the style of the
overlay window you like), adjust other available
properties. Now it is time to save your project and
export your gallery via FTP or to a local drive for
testing. Add the HTML embed code on your website or
No javascript, css, html coding, no image editing,
just a few clicks to get your javascript gallery
ready! Top features: * Flickr & Photobucket
support; * jQuery plugin or Prototype