Simple MP3 Player V2
FEATURES: * In the HTML embed code you can pass the
path to the configurable XML file and in this way you
can have multiple instances of the player with a
single .swf file, there is an example and full
documentation in the download sources. Play / Pause
Button * Prev Button * Next Button * Seek Bar * Play
list(you can hide it by pressing the playlist button)
* Current time and Total Time * Mute button * Volume
Bar * Name of the current MP3 file that is playing and
for name of the artist * Album / artist cover * The
Album / artist cover can be set up in the XML file, so
that on mouse click it will open a new window with a
URL specified in the XML file, this is optional. *
Auto play sound option * Loop sound option. * Supports
unlimited number of .mp3's. * Configurable with a XML
file. * OOP code.