XevaSoft Employee Monitor 2009
Are your employees really working? Research from
various sources has shown that up to 40% of workers
waste countless hours at work on chatting, shopping,
gambling websites and accessing pornographic content .
Imagine if your employees actually spent their time
constructively and on what they're supposed to be
doing. Company productivity, of course, would rise
through the roof, in other words, you company would
yield more profit and growth! With XevaSoft Employee
Manager, you can track every employee's computer
activities and issue warnings or punishments as
necessary. Xevasoft: Helping your company reach it's
fullest potential! XevaSoft employee monitoring
software tracks and records computer activities such
as screenshot, keystrokes, website visited.
Control/Lock/Shutdown computers in network with ease.
Increase employee productivity, increase your business
growth, and enhance company security. Free trail
download now!"