Buy Flash Banner Slideshow Maker
Do you want some cool special effects added to your
website? Do you have a bunch of images or products
that you want to advertise, but need an effective way
of doing so? If so, then you need the flash banner
slideshow maker! Try out the free evaluation of the
flash banner slideshow maker and download it online
now! With it, you can: Easily select any number of
images that you can rotate between special fx images!
Use it as a flash cool intro for your website if you
wish! Use it for advertising purposes, promote your
products, and more! Use it as a photographic slideshow
of images Reuse the software to create other flash
banners on your website (much less expensive than
purchasing custom flash banners and custom flash
design with special effects!) With the software, you
simply: Import the images that you want to be rotated
in the flash banner Choose the special effects that
you want applied Then, preview your creation or upload
it to your website! The software supports over 15
special effects, and includes the following special fx
in flash: Alpha blending between two images Solar