Hard Drive Powerwash FREE
Hard Drive Powerwash is a Windows Utility that enables
its users to remove file clutter from their systems
quickly and easily. What is file clutter? File Clutter
generally refers to files created by programs for
temporary use. Internet browsers such as Internet
Explorer, Firefox and others routinely save the
content of every page we visit. Including images,
text, script, cookies among others. In fact most
Windows software create temporary files that are no
longer needed but often not removed. Performance: In
simple terms, Windows maintains a list of all files on
our hard drives, the longer the list, the longer it
takes to access the files we need. This directly
affects our computers speed. Privacy: Another aspect
to consider is privacy. Everything we do on our
computers is stored in these files. By removing this
clutter we in effect protect our privacy.
Features: Easy-to-use interface - One-view statistics
how much disk space was recovered last time and since
the program was installed - Scheduler to decide how