BACSE System
A Complete ERP solution that manages FA (Fixed
Assets), AR (Accounts Receivable), AP (Accounts
Payable), COA (Chart of Accounts), multi branch and
multi department. Transactions including CI (Customer
Invoice), SI (Supplier Invoice), DN (Debit Note), CN
(Credit Note), RV (Receipt Voucher), PV (Payment
Voucher) and JV (Journal Voucher), matching receipts
and payments for customer invoices, supplier invoices,
debit notes and credit notes. Data can be exported to
a group of comma separated values files in one click.
All transactions can be printed and filed. All
standard accounting reports can be generated easily
and quickly, reports include GL (General Ledger), TB
(Trial Balance), Expenses, Customer and supplier
Ageing, Profit/Loss and Balance Sheet. Fixed Assets
management is simple and easy, the user enters the
basic asset information (purchase date, price, and
asset life in months, sale/disposal date and sale
price), all relevant accounts and General Ledger
entries are automatically generated, including monthly
depreciation. The system provides the ability to print