ExtraBackup copies files and folders from one location
to another on the same drive, another drive, or across
the network. You can set up Tasks that describe the
source location, the destination location, and the
frequency at which you want to copy the files.
ExtraBackup monitors the source files for changes or
additions and then automatically copies the new or
changed files to their designated destinations. The
program features ZIP compression to reduce storage
space as well as optional, password-protected AES data
encryption. You can also include or exclude a specific
file or set of files from the copy and keep any number
of old versions of files. Once you configure the Tasks
in terms of files and locations and set up a schedule
in Microsoft(r) Task Scheduler, the program will be
launched by the system as planned and copy files in
the background so you will always have an up-to-date
backup when you need it.