Web-Based Room Booking System
Web-Based Room Booking System - schedule any number of
rooms and other facilities such as hotel rooms,
apartments, classrooms, room rentals, sports and
recreation rooms, clinics, buildings, even outdoor
areas. Since 2009 Web-Based Room Booking System have
provided accommodation owners with a reliable, low
cost booking solution which is easily added onto any
website. You can create as many room types as you
want. Single, Double, Triple, etc... For each room
type you can set how many rooms you have and how many
people it can accommodate. You can book as many rooms
as you want from any type. If for example you want to
book 1 double and 2 single rooms then you can do this
with our booking system. If you want to have different
prices for any time during the year you can easily add
new daily prices. This way for example during the
Christmas holiday you can set different, higher,
prices for you rooms. Using PayPal your clients may
not just book the rooms they want but also pay a
deposit for their reservation. You can also set the
percent of deposit that you require for your bookings.