Coolest News Reader XML Resizable
A great News Reader with smooth scroll and drop down
with shadow. You can modify the width and height of
the component from XML settings file. From CSS file
you can modify the classes set for each text (ex: News
title, News date etc). FEATURES: XML driven resizable
scroller. No Flash knowledge required for setting up
this component. Everything can be set from a main .xml
file making it very easy to update and maintain. HTML
support. You can insert HTML tags for each news.
Complete CSS support; The news content can be formated
from the external CSS file. You have styles for title,
date, content, link, and "LATEST NEWS" main title. You
can also modify/translate "LATEST NEWS" title; Mouse
wheel support; The scroll will autohide if not needed;
Image for each news - OPTIONAL; If you'll not define
an image for the news the text will auto resize to
fill the image space (Please see in the example fourth
news); External link - OPTIONAL; You can set the link
to open in a new window or in the same window. If
you'll not put an external link, the whole news we'll
open inside flash component. (Please see in the