Stimulsoft Reports.Fx for PHP
Stimulsoft Reports.Fx for PHP is a reporting tool
designed for creating reports in the Internet using a
client-server technology. In this product we have
combined two technologies. The PHP script works on the
server-side. This technology controls the report
generation. The Adobe Flash technology works on the
client side. This technology provides a universal
mechanism for reports generation almost on any client.
Due to this, it is very easy to use Stimulsoft
Reports.Fx and at the same time, the product offers a
modern, cost-effective way to provide reports on Web
sites, built using the PHP technology. Fast and
powerful report engine, rich and intuitive interface,
easy deployment, easy licensing. It's all available in
our product now. Keep up with the times, use the
latest technology for building Internet applications.
Our product is one of the first products, which offers
a comprehensive solution to build, modify and run
reports for PHP sites. Before the release of our
product, reports creation was limited by various
problems. The lack of dynamism, simplicity and