BarCod VBX/OCX makes barcode display and printing
really easy. Just pick the barcode Style, set the
Size, and fill the Caption property with the
information you want to be displayed as a barcode.
You can choose vertical as well as horizontal
orientation. For printing, add instructions for
position placement on the paper, and BarCod paints
into the Printer Object.
BarWidth is based on pixels. You can allow BarCod to
fill the space you have designated or you can control
the width yourself by setting the width of the
narrowest bar in pixels. If BarCod cannot fit the
entire barcode into the control window, it will fill
the control with the background color.
Under VB 3.0 and above, BarCod will bind to a data
control. It uses the DataField, DataSource, and
DataChanged properties.horizontal orientation. For
printing, add instructions for position placement on
the paper, and BarCod paints into the Printer Object.