RedTube Grabber
RedTube Grabber lets you download video from
RedTube.com onto your PC, convert it to various
formats to watch it when you are on the road on mobile
devices like mobile phone, iPod, iPhone, Pocket PC,
PSP, or Zune. Support batch and schedule mode.
The speed, at which you will be downloading, is very
high: up to 5 times faster than other software when
you download a single file and up to 4 times faster
when you download multiple files at a time.
With RedTube Grabber you can forget about recharging
your player with fresh movies and just take care of
your business, while the software automatically checks
your favorite video sites for new movies, downloads
and transfers them to your player.
Now you can just leave it alone and go in for
something more interesting than watching progress
bars. The program will fetch movie files and
automatically place the new files to the selected USB