Corrupt Backup File Restore Tool
Corrupt backup file restore tool which is the
prominent name in the sector of data recovery and
fabulous as SysTools BKF Repair tool. Partial recovery
is the specialty of BKF Repair tool that divides whole
database into small parts for recovering the files.
This tool uses many stellar light or advance technique
to repair corrupt BKF files like 1. Quick Scan
2. Deep Scan
3. Partial Scan. SysTools BKF Repair tool is an
adequate tool which can easily complete all your need.
Corrupt backup recovery tool supports is compatible
with almost all Windows Operating System 98, 2000, ME,
NT, XP, Vista and Windows 7. SysTools provide demo
without cost for your satisfaction. With the help of
demo version, you can view all recover backup files
but before purchasing you cannot save your recovered
backup database. To purchase BKF Recovery Software you
have to pay $89 only to buy Personal License or $180
for Business License only.