mini Scan to Text OCR Converter
mini Scan to Text OCR Converter is the best tool for
you to convert scanned PDF files, normal PDF files and
scanned Image files to editable Excel documents. mini
Scan to Text OCR Converter does batch convert scanned
documents to editable MS Excel documents on the fly.
mini Scan to Text OCR Converter features:
1. Scan to Text OCR Converter is a standalone
application, no Adobe Reader or Acrobat needed;
2. Scan to Text OCR Converter supports conversion from
encrypted PDF files and password protected PDF
3. Scan to Text OCR Converter converts PDF files into
Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and MS Excel 2007 XLSX
4. Scan to Text OCR Converter does create an Excel
sheet for each PDF page, one sheet per PDF page;
5. Scan to Text OCR Converter does convert entire PDF
document into one single sheet in Excel document;
6. Scan to Text OCR Converter does create an Excel