Solid State Doctor
The SSD Utility Suite is an essential tool to provide
performance enhancement, SMART monitoring and data
security for Solid State drives. This utility suite is
a proactive support tool, giving you the ability to
make informed decisions regarding your data - whether
to back it up because of an impending failure,
erase/wipe it securely or optimize the SSD using the
TRIM command. This suite is designed to enable faster
performance as well as predict end of life by
monitoring the lifespan of your SSD on Microsoft®
Operating Systems. Get detailed information on all
drives, view information on the status of all SMART
attributes and execute all built in SMART tests. View
and monitor the status of all SMART attributes with
the ability to set up email notifications of SMART
alerts or failures. Manually execute or set the TRIM
service to run the TRIM command on any supported drive
to maintain the write performance of the SSD. Using
the wipe utility, reset the SSD to factory fresh
condition overwriting all data on the drive and
completely erasing the drive. Once completed the drive