LBE PAN Masker
LBE PAN Masker masks Primary Account Numbers (e.g.
credit card numbers) within: MS Outlook Contacts,
Emails, Notes, Tasks and Calendar items. Also,
( .txt, .csv, .htm, .html, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx)
attached to MS Outlook or standalone files. Multiple
masking configurations allow you to search and replace
different account number formats in one process. PANs
may have embedded spaces or newlines and they will
still be processed. Simple configuration file allows
you to specify effectively unlimited masking
criteria. License is an unlimited user, enterprise-
wide licence. If you are a multi-national company, you
should purchase a licence for each national corporate
identity.Included in the purchase price is 1 year's
support and any new releases in that time. Further
years' support is optional (i.e. you can continue
using the version you have for as long as you
like) .Renewing support ensures that you always have
the latest version available at all times.