Proxy - Pro GateKeeper
Proxy Server Firewall: allows your entire computer
network to share a single Internet connection while
securing and improving the speed of Internet access.
The software includes a powerful web cache to boost
the performance of browsing activity on pages
previously visited by other network users and thus
dramatically reducing online costs.
Proxy - Pro GateKeeper eliminates the need to get a
separate dial-up account, with a phone line and modem
for each user who wants access to the Internet.
Provides comprehensive, detailed statistics and offers
access restrictions for each one of your users
accessing the web. Easy to install and configure -
your best choice for a reliable and fair priced proxy
server and firewall.
Proxy - Pro GateKeeper supports the following proxies:
HTTP, FTP, Telnet, RealAudio, SSL, POP3, SOCKS4,
SOCKS5, Mapped Link (TCP) and Port (UDP) offering
NetMeeting support.