Equipment Tracker Pro
Equipment Tracker Database system is designed to
manage the following activities of your renting
facility: inventory and equipment tracking software,
track items individually or by quantity, overdue
reporting, Catalog, search, and circulate all your
equipment/tools (individual items or the same items in
multiple quantities). Check out several tools at once
in multiple quantities. Track items by checking them
in and out manually. Track items by checking them in
and out with a barcode scanner. Report which items are
checked out and to whom. Track overdue items, print
overdue items reports. Create and print barcode labels
for all your equipment and tools
Create and print barcode id cards for your employees.
Record information about vendors and suppliers. Create
and print tool/equipment circulation and usage
reports. Organize employees and job sites information
(address, email, phone,..). Manage maintenance
transactions. Record vendor and supplier information.