PayPal Certificate Generator for Encrypted Website Payments
If you want to generate Encrypted Website Payments
Button on the fly for PayPal BuyNow button, Donation
Button, Shopping Cart button, Subscription Button
then, you need 2 Certificate files. One is the PayPal
public certificate file that you can download from
your PayPal profile. Then, you need to create your
private PKCS12 certificate file and your public
certificate file. Your public Certificate file will
needs to be uploaded to your PayPal profile to get a
Certificate ID. Ok, that means, you need a tool to
generate your private PKCS12 certificate file and your
public certificate file that you will upload to your
PayPal Profile. Guess what, this is the tool that you
need. This tool will ask some basic questions about
your PayPal profile and generate the Certificates for
you. PayPal Certificate Generator is a GUI tool that
encapsulates the usage of dirty Command Line
utilities. Although this tool will use OpenSSL
internally but it wont ask you to handle OpenSSL. This
tool will check if the OpenSSL is already installed or
not. If not, it will start downloading and installing