Free File Opener
With so many file types used by an average person
these days, owning a fully licensed collection of
programs for all of them may be an expensive option
that only few will be able to afford. Luckily, most
text or image formats can be opened in fairly standard
applications that are often free or included in
operating systems. However, there are some formats
that require their "native" software to be installed
just for viewing them - and these programs often cost
hundreds of dollars each. That's exactly what Free
File Opener will help you with - it will save your
money and provide an all-in-one solution for viewing
and editing hundreds of file types.
Free File Opener v7 is a unique product. It's an
immensely powerful application supporting an
astounding number of file types - over 200! The
program will open images and photos (including Adobe
Photoshop PSD files and RAW images from your digital
camera), audio and video files in major formats
(including .mp3, .flac, .ogg, .m4a, .mov, .m4v
and .flv) and, most importantly, PDF files, Word
documents and Excel spreadsheets. MS Office documents
can also be edited in Free File Opener, so if you
mostly view Word and Excel documents and make minor
edits in them, the program can be a decent replacement
of the expensive Office suite. The latest version of
the program features a revised and improved UI, over
80 newly-supported file formats, improved performance,
flexible printing options and an Excel to PDF
conversion function, among other improvements. Free
File Opener v7 will be equally useful for a developer,
a designer or an advanced user looking to keep the
total program count low, stay within a budget - and
yet be able to open and view the content of nearly any
If you have never tried Free File Opener v7 in action,
it's high time you did it! Opening all kinds of files
with a single application is easy and will save you a
good deal of money that is always an issue.