Wedding Favors
Wedding Favors
One of the decisions that most brides to be agonize
over is choosing wedding favors. Wedding favors are a
small part of the wedding, but they are the part of
the wedding that people will remember and talk about
for many years. Wedding favors have been given out at
weddings around the world for centuries. Early
wedding favors consisted of a small glass or crystal
box that contained sweet desserts. At that time sugar
and other dessert ingredients were very expensive and
only the very wealthy could eat them on a regular
basis so couples gave out sugared desserts at weddings
to show off their wealth as well as to thank their
family and friends for attending the wedding.
For hundreds of years one of the most popular wedding
favors has been the Jordan almond. Jordan almonds
have a tart, almost bitter taste that is very unique.
A small, elegant box containing five sugared Jordan
almonds is still considered to be the most traditional