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  Web Development - Misc. Web Authoring Tools

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  Hierarchy Tree As2  -  Version  1

How it works The hierarchy tree load the text and create the boxes from the XML file dynamically loaded data. The boxes - if the have childs you can see the symbol in the left down corner at any box; the plus or if not have childs you see the minus symbol, when the plus symbol you click the you collapse the childs for the current box when the collapse starts the current box take place in the root box, and down under show her childs. You can go to URL page (set the URL by XML file) by clicking the text at any box.You cam also go to the previous child you had lash or you can go to the root child (the start child) when you click on the root button.

To link to this program use the html below (use text editor and check the exact syntax):

<a href="">View this program at</a>

This link will appear like:

View this program at