UnitedWorldPoets Volume 1
UnitedWorldPoets Volume 1 is a free eBook created by
UnitedWorldPoets.com a poetry community website. Many
of the best poems posted on UnitedWorldPoets were put
into this eBook in five categories of love, urban,
inspirational and pure poetry. This eBook is meant to
inspire the readers through great creative writing.
Most of the poems inside this poetry eBook have
previously been recognized and honored as great poems
on UnitedWorldPoets through comments. These poems were
selected based on the quality that they presented to
the associated category. The love poetry category was
chosen because love poetry is what often inspires
people to begin writing poetry. These poems range in
subject from romance to the comfort of being loved.
The urban poetry category was chosen because of the
great reality and emotion that is put into writing
urban poems. These poems range in subject from life
encounters to the perception of life. The
inspirational poetry category was chosen because of
the great positive influence affect that inspirational