Chrysanth Diary [Personal]
Chrysanth Diary is a digital personal journal/ diary
writing software and personal information manager
(PIM). Your personal diary, appointment schedule and
photos will be kept organized in a single diary
database. You may organize your daily tasks and
appointments efficiently and keep all your precious
memories in an eye-pleasing interface.
Chrysanth Diary is created as a personal diary writing
software companion that helps you to capture every
memorable moment of your daily life. Diary writing and
keeping becomes easy, safe and fun, while recollecting
events in your life becomes a simple matter through
various convenient diary view in Chrysanth Diary.
Chrysanth Diary is designed with a MS Word 2010 like
WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) user interface,
even the most novice computer user can start diary
keeping immediately.
The highlights of Chrysanth Diary for journal and