Android Status Bar Icons
A great Android apps should be complemented with icons
that help users enjoy app functionality while
presenting an attractive, uniform appearance. Android
status bar icons can be some of the most difficult to
find or create when development standards are high,
but our collection of ready-made Android status bar
icons has everything needed to ensure that status
notifications are attractive and intuitive.
With clean lines and pleasing contrast, our Android
status bar icons offer a crisp appearance that's
perfect for small screens but which works just as well
with newer, high-resolution Android devices. The icons
are available in hdpi, mdpi, and ldpi resolutions to
correspond with popular icon sizes, and the included
alpha channel allows developers to alter the
translucency of each and every icon for a personalized
look that's ideal for the application in development.
The collection can be purchased in PNG format or
developers can choose to receive PSD files and vector