Brave Template
Nowadays it seems to be all about appearance so you
have to get tough at least when it comes to your
image. Gritty yet welcoming, the new Brave Flash
Template adds that tonic twist to your website's
flavor. 3D Media Wall FX, Youtube/VimeoPlayer FX,
Multilevel Menu FX, MP3 Player FX are a perfect
combination for both personal and business use of this
template. Brave looks and feels awesome on any desktop
or laptop computer. XML Customizable Template. By
editing the included configuration xml files you can
modify the assets to obtain a brand new and original
look for your flash website. Background images and
colors, text content, gallery images, navigation
buttons are just a few examples of things that you can
customize in your template. Included Flash Components
& Galleries: * 3D Media Wall FX; * Banner Navigator
FX; * Contact Form FX; * HTML Content Scroller FX; *
MP3 Player FX; * Multilevel Menu FX; * Text Menu FX; *
Youtube/Vimeo Player FX