Wallpaper Slideshow Plus Downloader
Free Wallpaper Slideshow Pro is a great utility for
displaying your favorite images as your desktop
background wallpaper. Wallpaper Slideshow offers you
complete control of your wallpaper collection. It has
lots of options that allows you customize the way
wallpapers are created, for example for each image you
can decide whether it must be automatically resized to
fit the screen, centered, tiled or spanned across your
multiple monitors. It also possible to overlay a
calendar, text or info taken from exif/iptc/xmp fields
on your wallpapers. A new wallpaper can be set on
windows startup, at regular intervals or manually when
you press a hotkey or double click on its icon.
Wallpaper Slideshow is simple to use, intuitive and
complete with full context-sensitive help.
Key features:
-User friendly interface with full context-sensitive
-Displays an unlimited number of images
-Displays images randomly or sequentially
-Can change wallpaper automatically after a specified