AMPPS is a stack of Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl &
Python. AMPPS enables you to focus more on using
applications rather than maintaining them. With AMPPS
you can create a website by installing any of the 215
Apps, customizing it, and then simply publishing it on
the internet via a wide choice of hosting service
providers. Softaculous AMPPS helps you deploy Apps on
your server. We have covered a wide array of
Categories so that everyone could find the required
application one would need to power their business.
AMPPS is one of the best WAMPPP stacks you can get
with so many preconfigured Apps. You can create
multiple MySQL databases and manage them easily with
phpMyAdmin. AMPPS also has a SQLite Manager for
managing SQLite databases. You can deploy various Apps
either on your localhost or on your network. AMPPS
allows you to configure these domains (localhost or
your network) very easily. If you want an App e.g. a
wiki for your local office intranet, you can easily do
that with AMPPS. You can deploy Apps across multiple
domains you own, by the click of a button. AMPPS