Purple is royalty. A mysterious color, purple is
associated with both nobility and spirituality. The
opposites of hot red and cool blue combine to create
this intriguing color. Purple has a special, almost
sacred place in nature: lavender, orchid, lilac, and
violet flowers are often delicate and considered
precious. Deep or bright purples suggest riches.
Lighter purples are more romantic and delicate.
The color of mourning for widows in Thailand, purple
was the favorite color of Egypt's Cleopatra. It has
been traditionally associated with royalty in many
cultures. Purple robes were worn by royalty and people
of authority or high rank. The Purple Heart is a U.S.
Military decoration given to soldiers wounded in
The Float Purple Theme package designs flip templates
with the intriguing Purple images, love heart with
purple tone, very beautiful and romantic. Use the warm