Download Keystroke Logger Downloader
Easily affordable key logger utility secretly
investigates everything happened on your computer like
keystroke typed, clipboard activity, internet
activity, chat logging and many more. Secure computer
monitoring wizard facilitates authorized user to save
recorded detail in password protected encrypted log
file with option to automatically send it to user
specified email address. Windows keylogger application
is password protected that prevents other user to
change configuration setting or modify recorded log
details. Invisible pc monitoring software maintains
record of all user data, files and folders with name,
date, time and location. Stealth key logger program
captures screen snapshot of each active and inactive
desktop application at regular time of interval to
give better description about computer usage.
Keylogger software is easy to install and fast utility
that maintains record of all clipboard activity
performed by external user in your absence.
Professional best spy program maintains detailed
information about all internet activities performed by