Hamster Free eBook Converter
eBooks are the latest craze and you see them
everywhere these days. It mostly started with the
launch of the Amazon Kindle, but now there are
numerous companies making their own eBook readers but,
to make things complicated, most of them also provide
their own proprietary formats which makes it
complicated to use eBooks from one device on another,
even including your computer itself. Hamster Free
eBook Converter is the perfect solution for dealing
with these problems, not only because it is completely
free, but also because it provides a particularly user-
friendly interface. To convert any eBook in any format
from your digital library, all you need to do is drag
and drop it into the program and then select the name
of the device that you want to use it with. You don't
actually need to know anything about different formats
and file extensions. Once you've selected your device,
the program will convert the eBook in just a few
seconds. It also, of course, supports the most popular
PDF format as well. Learn more at