AllOff Lite
AllOff Lite is an activity monitor and shutdown
utility which monitors the mouse, keyboard and CPU
load and initiates computer power off or hibernation
if there has been no keyboard or mouse activity for
900 seconds and the average CPU load has been below
15% for over 60 seconds. A fixed shutdown time can
also be set which will override CPU and Keyboard/Mouse
activity detection or it can be used on its own.
Designed to be simple to install and use AllOff Lite
requires no configuration apart from selecting what is
monitored and the shutdown mode during installation.
AllOff Lite is suitable for most applications. It can
be started at a fixed time, via a command line, on
start up or manually. AllOff Lite requires a
registration code (free for personal non commercial
use). AllOff is part of the JSutils group of software
utilities which have a theme of energy saving.