1st Choice Clipboard
The 1St Choice Clipboard floats on top of your current
work. Whenever you cut or copy, the clip appears in
one of the slots. The slot only shows the first few
words of each text clip or the words "Graphic Clip"
but when you move the mouse pointer over the slot, a
preview window appears showing the first several lines
of a text clip or a thumbnail of a graphic clip. This
makes choosing the clip you want to paste very easy.
1st Choice Clipboard can copy and store up to 25 items
at a time. This gives you the ability to bulk-paste
items, both to documents and spread sheets. The
variety of options includes, auto-minimize after
pasting, clearing the Windows clipboard, editing
clips, reducing graphic clips and keyboard pasting as
well as many more features that makes it the best
software for saving your precious time.
1St Choice is also an excellent screen capture
program. To capture the entire screen, type Prt Scr.
To capture just the active window, type Alt + Prt Scr.