3D XML Portfolio
The 3D XML file allows you to view portfolio pieces in
any order, in every situation, in every size and color
with pictures and / or SWF files, and text. You can as
many portfolios pieces as you want. This text is in
HTML format, for example, adjust the size and color.
The background image is controlled via the XML file.
The thumbnails above can be either active or inactive
with a link from a URL and you can also disable the
glow effect roll over on itself. A simple SWF
slideshow is also included so that you have many
images in a portfolio piece feature. About another XML
page for the slideshow, you can change the interval,
how long does it take for the next image, how to do a
lot of pictures, slide switch size, and you can also
text-pop from the bottom up, if necessary. The FLA of
the slideshow is also included, there is a version of
my Simple slideshow XML file. A simple video player
SWF is also included so you can also have a video in a
presentation portfolio. On another sheet XML for the
slideshow, you can use many features of the video
player, such as size, color, info-text, and buttons.