MSG to VCF Conversion
Willing to convert MSG to VCF file? If yes then go with
the latest & HOT MSG to vCard Converter program @
Birdie Software to carry out the MSG to VCF Conversion
procedure in direct way. The developers of Birdie
Software have developed such an advanced MSG to vCard
converter tool to for the Outlook MSG to VCF conversion
method along with all contacts details in original
format such as; first name, middle name, last name,
email address, website url, image, notes, activities,
home address, business address and other remaining
details also. By using this MSG to VCF Conversion tool
you can also perform the batch / bulk conversion
process at a time, this will helps you to save your
vital time and effort in accurate way. Download the
Free Demo now to test its ability of working, after
that full satisfaction order for the licensed version
of Birdie MSG to vCard Converter only at $49.00 online.
You can simply install this program for the MSG
contacts to VCF conversion procedure on all Windows
Operating System versions - Windows 7, XP, Vista, etc