Cirrus Insight
Cirrus Insight puts the power of your Salesforce CRM
right inside your Gmail inbox. Immediately see
everything about your Salesforce Leads and Contacts
right in Gmail. * Instant lookups of Salesforce
profiles in Gmail. * Create new Leads and Contacts
right from Gmail. * Log emails to Salesforce; create
Tasks & Events. 30-second install for Chrome or
Firefox. 30-day free trial.
Whether you're in marketing, sales, service, or
support, valuable information flows in and out of
Gmail with no connection to the history and
intelligence available within Salesforce.com.
Cirrus Insight makes the connection by allowing
Salesforce users to keep track of and manage customer
information directly from Gmail.
Cirrus Insight installs in just 30 seconds and
automatically pulls CRM intelligence into your Gmail
inbox whenever you open an email. You can see contact