Making decisions based on your massive database It does not matter what kind of database you have. What seems complicated to you, is not complicated to the Attrasoft DecisionMaker. After putting your data into the DecisionMaker, then in 2 clicks, suddenly your complicated problem will seem very simple. Attrasoft DecisionMaker can: Decide whether to grant a loan to a customer, student * Decide whether a patient has cancer *, heart disease *, thyroid disease *, ...., or not Decide whether to hire a person or not Decide how likely a patient is going to get cancer, heart disease *, ...., Decide the classification of a virus/bacteria within a group of virus/bacteria *. Decide how much a house *, a car *, a boat, ... , is worth Decide whether your supervisors evaluate your employees fairly Decide whether your system (electronics systems, computer network, retail store, sexual harassment situation) is healthy Decide supermarket price predictability based on accumulated database Decide which career a child should choose Decide the outcome of a random event, like a horse race, ... Identify an item in Forensic Science *, ... .... * Examples with real data are in the software.