Sort Pictures by Date Taken
Sort Pictures by Date Taken, Sort Photos by Date Taken
and Sort Images by Date Taken - with the picture
sorter. Picture sorting software can sort picture
files by date / time / year and using Other ways.
Picture sorter also can remove duplicate photos.
Going on a vacation or photo shoot can yield hundreds
of photos, and if you don't sort them now, you'll be
in for a world of hurt later on. To solve your
organizational woes once and for all, you need to
start from the source - and that means establishing a
system. Every photo you put on your hard drive should
be sorted by year, then month, and perhaps even day.
Doing so solves the biggest problem you'll ever have
when cataloging all those digital keepsakes, which is
figuring out where the hell things are.
Creating a date-based hierarchy may sound like a no-
brainer, but it's something many users overlook. If
you've just come back from a fancy overseas trip,