Export Lotus Notes Data
Export Lotus Notes Data into MS Outlook with Export
Notes tool produces accurate results. Recently its
version is updated to v9.0 and has much awesome
functionality associated. Just download the free demo
from official site. It cranks out only first fifteen
items but you can SAVE converted data after the
successful conversion of Lotus Notes Data to PST. Only
you need to visit our site, purchase it and Migrate all
your Lotus Notes Data to PST. Software simply do the
task of Export Lotus Notes entire items like emails,
address book, calendars, to do List & journals to MS
Outlook.. Export Notes software has the ability to
convert password encrypted NSF files to PST files. It
provides you the perfect Lotus Notes to Outlook
Conversion result & lets you to choose saving of
Outlook PST file in ANSI format or Unicode PST file.
Export Lotus Notes Data conversion process is easy with
Lotus Notes Data Export utility. It successfully
migrate your whole NSF database to Outlook without
losing any information of your NSF files. Export Notes
software that supports conversion of Lotus Notes
database created using Lotus Notes 8.5, 8.0, 7.0, 6.5,
6.0, 5.5 & 5.0 to MS Outlook
2010/2007/2003/XP/2000/98/97 PST files. It easily
installs ALL Windows operating system. It successfully
works with Export Notes database (.nsf) files having
local NSF file security issues giving error message:
"You are not authorized to perform that operation".
Demo version converts first 15 items of each folder
from Lotus Notes to Outlook PST. After evaluating the
demo version of Export Lotus Notes data program, you
can purchase the full licensed version starting at
$250. http://www.exportnotes.com/nsf-batch-export