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  Productivity Tools - Calculators and Converters - Enhanced Calculators

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  Excel Converter  -  Version  1.2

Batch convert thousands of Excel files in minutes. Excel Converter is an application written in macro coding within a Microsoft Office Excel workbook. It allows you to perform any file conversion or file upgrade that Excel would normally be capable of doing, but in a fully automated batch process. Most importantly, conversions are performed natively --- converting to a Microsoft file from within a Microsoft product. Other converters use non-Microsoft processes and algorithms, which can create problematic files that can cause problems later down the road. Automated xlsx/xlsm switching. Allow the application to decide whether to assign a xlsx or xlsm file extension based on whether the Excel file contains macros. Easy Office upgrading. A common use for this application will be for users who have recently upgraded to a newer version of Microsoft Office and wish to convert their Excel files from an earlier

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