The Broadcast Clock Creator
With The Broadcast Clock Creator you can...
-Create a Variety of Broadcast Show Clocks.
-Easily Add, Remove, Insert and Adjust Segments.
-Custom Colors and Fonts for Text and Segments.
-Modify the Styles, Layout and Appearance.
-Adjust Comments Inside or Outside of the Clock.
-Add and Modify Text Boxes.
-Insert Images and Logos.
-Export to PDF and Image File for Websites.
-Save Clocks for Future Use.
...and more!
Program changes can occur quickly and The Broadcast
Clock Creator was developed by a broadcaster with day
to day operations and programming needs in mind. Its
high quality, versatile design will allow anyone to
quickly and easily create broadcast clocks for use on
the web, sales calls, staff training and for program
changes. The best part is that once a clock has been
created, it can be saved for any future revisions or