As everybody knows IGNOU is the largest Open
University and fifth largest University in the World.
Neeraj Publications is a brand name which is providing
IGNOU books, IGNOU projects, IGNOU question papers,
IGNOU sample papers, IGNOU question bank and IGNOU
students such types of services. The Neeraj
publications take out IGNOU books shall offer
appropriate scheme of transition for these categories
of students in case any student has joined this
special program opts for studying B.Com. of IGNOU
exclusively. Recognizing subjects studied in the entry
level IGNOU course of chartered accountancy, by
whatever name called, and subjects of study in the
first stage of chartered accountancy course, by
whatever name called under the approved scheme of
education and training of the ICAI, as well practical
training component, IGNOU shall launch a specialized
B.Com, M.Com Courses majoring in Accountancy and
Finance for the students of chartered accountancy
course by which exemption be granted in certain common
subjects such that these students can improve their