3D PageFlip Professional Mac
3D PageFlip Professional Mac is a 3D eBook creator of
professional version. It aims to convert PDF to 3D
flipping book with a lot of designing functions on Mac
OS X system. It supports Mac users to publish their
personalized 3D Mac eBook online and offline through
different output format like HTML or app file. The
greatest advantage of 3D PageFlip Professional Mac is
its page editing functions. It allows you to insert a
number of multimedia objects to flipping page,
including Youtube videos, SWF video, images, links,
flash, buttons and more elements. There are a lot of
actions for these multimedia objects, such as photo
slideshow, flash window, linking to page, linking to
outside webside, calling out Javascript and so on.
All in all, 3D PageFlip Professional Mac commits to
create eBook with not only realistic 3D page turning
layout, but also rich content with stunning multimedia