AxpertSoft Split Pdf files
PDF splitter software is a basic need of every
profession where large number of PDF files are used
and joined. Main purpose of this software is to
provide an ease for accessing PDF files or particular
pages by splitting them in to small parts. Renowned
software brand AxpertSoft offers an efficient PDF
breaker to fulfill this crucial need. Being
compatible with all windows versions, Vista and 7, it
can be widely used for different operating system
platforms. The program uses an expertly designed
algorithm to split PDF into desired number of small
parts. The software allows setting a break method as
per your need and comfort. You can easily extract PDF
page by number of pages per PDF, selecting specific
numbers of pages like 2, 4, 9, 17-24, 30 etc. you can
remove PDF page to form a new PDF or you can even
break odd pages and break even pages. This PDF cutter
supports all versions of PDF. So, no matter what PDF
version you use, AxpertSoft PDF breaker works very
well. It allows to you split, extract or remove PDF
pages. A free trial version is available for
evaluation. It has a limitation of watermark stamps
on output pages while with purchased license key
there are no limitations and the license is valid for