CoffeeCup Animation Studio
With Animation Studio, you can create clever animated
graphics that demand the attention that your website
deserves. Add images to build brand new animations, or
open an animated image you already own to edit each
frame and make unique adjustments.
With full support for a wide variety of file types,
you can turn practically any image you own into an
animation - but it's the support for our very own WIF
file format that gives you ultimate freedom. Creating
frames with this vector format is a breeze and looks
so professional that your friends will be begging to
know how you did it.
There's even a built-in image editor that features
drawing and selection tools to put final touches on
your frames. Draw, brush, fill, crop, and swap out
colors until you've got the frames you need to provide
the illusion of movement. A color correction panel
makes advanced editing tasks unbelievably simple.